Author Archives: philofwestlinn
Our Time Machine Apps
This morning we each built a Time Machine app. (The H. G. Wells kind, not the Macintosh kind.) Okay, so it was more like a picture viewer, but it displayed images that could transport a person back in time (so … Continue reading
Follow Me! Programming
Friday I sat between my 6- and 7-year old grandsons at their kitchen table. Each of us had our computer in front of us with LiveCode opened and ready to go. We all sat on the same side of the … Continue reading
Coffee Shop Programming
Today I met up with Ty, my 15-year old homeschool friend, at a coffee shop near his house. An hour and ten minutes later, he had built a working temperature conversion calculator app. We were both so jazzed! This is … Continue reading
Programming for Homeschoolers
My toes are barely in the water, and I can already tell this is going to be FUN. I should tell you – I’m a software developer. You can read about that part of my life here. Recently I started … Continue reading
Today is the Day
It would be hard to overestimate the influence we still feel from a simple but courageous act of an Augustinian monk in Germany 495 years ago today. Martin Luther went public with his issues about certain church practices (like the act … Continue reading
The meaning of Christmas
I love Christmas. To me it means coconut cake, Christmas trees, presents, happy people and happy (if overplayed) music. Sometimes it means snow, like Christmas 2008 in West Linn. It was gorgeous! But the big meaning of Christmas can be … Continue reading
What if no one had written about it?
This morning I read the Gospel of Luke chapter 1, which begins: Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that have been fulfilled among us, just as they were handed down to us by those who … Continue reading
Skype – finally
I finally opened a Skype account and ordered a webcam to hang on my cameraless display. Some of my clients are ahead of me in this, waiting for me to catch up. But the thing that pushed me over the … Continue reading
Despise not small beginnings
This post is about rebuilding. It’s mostly for me. I use the Bible a lot in my self-talk. Zechariah was a prophet in Old Testament times. He lived and spoke roughly 2500 years ago when the Jews had returned to … Continue reading