Category Archives: Homeschool

Our Time Machine Apps

This morning we each built a Time Machine app. (The H. G. Wells kind, not the Macintosh kind.) Okay, so it was more like a picture viewer, but it displayed images that could transport a person back in time (so … Continue reading

Posted in Download, Homeschool, LiveCode, Programming, Technology, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Coffee Shop Programming

Today I met up with Ty, my 15-year old homeschool friend, at a coffee shop near his house. An hour and ten minutes later, he had built a working temperature conversion calculator app. We were both so jazzed! This is … Continue reading

Posted in Homeschool, LiveCode, Programming, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Programming for Homeschoolers

My toes are barely in the water, and I can already tell this is going to be FUN. I should tell you – I’m a software developer. You can read about that part of my life here. Recently I started … Continue reading

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